About us
Clinically and Dermatologist Tested
Every product is clinically tested in a controlled lab environment to achieve statistically significant results. And every product is backed by our panel of dermatologists - all of which are leaders in their fields of practice and research.
A Higher Standard of Clean Formulas
Since 2005, every formula has been registered to be compliant in the countries we sell (e.g. EU, ASEAN, and MERCOSUR). We have taken the safety of our products a few steps further and set internal guidelines that far exceed any regulation to exclude an additional 1700 ingredients we deem to be unsafe.
Our Team of Skincare Experts
A hand-picked team of interdisciplinary experts including top psychodermatologists, nutritionists, plastic surgeons, geneticists, clinical estheticians, and Derma-psychologists enhances and grows our brand’s knowledge base and helps us develop every product we introduce.